An Assessment of Language Clubs in the Teaching and Learning of English in Junior Secondary School Students in Northern Nigeria

    This research articles investigates the active engagement of language clubs to enhance the teaching and learning of English among the Junior Secondary School Students in Northern Nigeria. English club is one of the language learning strategies which are mostly geared towards improving students’ speaking ability. The researchers reviewed literature from the previous researches on the subject matter. The main objective of the study is to investigate whether or not Language Club enhance teaching and learning of English among Junior Secondary School Students in Northern Nigeria. Survey design was used for the study, and questionnaire was used to elicit information from selected public junior secondary school students across the three geo-political zones of northern Nigeria. Likert Scale Analysis propounded by Rensis was adopted as the theoretical framework of analysis. On the wholly, the work discovers among other things that the introduction and the use of Language Club to teach and learn English language would no doubt improve the learning of English among the junior secondary school in Nigeria, particularly that of the Northern Nigeria. The paper also recommends that government should improve on the provision of infrastructural facilities at the villages to facilitate the teaching and learning of English through the use of language club. In other words, language clubs need to be powered by electricity to power the machine as well as made the environment conducive for learning activities.
    Keywords: Language, Language Clubs, Language skills, Northern Nigeria

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    author/Hauwa Tanko Muhammad (PhD)

    journal/Zamfara IJOH Vol. 1 Issue 3


